What is EUSecure?

Raising awareness among youth on emerging security challenges
Preparing the next generation of intellectuals for taking the right decisions
Creating a society that is better able to foresee security issues and tackle them
Develop a genuinely interdisciplinary course curriculum on EU security, resilience and sustainability
Develop a SimMOOC – a Simulation supported Massive Open Online Course on EU security, resilience and sustainability
Launch the EUSecure elective course on EU security, resilience and sustainability at our universities, with a blended form of training (based on the SimMOOC), and many interactive, international teaching elements, such as an international teaching staff, and international student teams working on joint assignments
Creating a course for secondary school students on EU security, resilience and sustainability
Disseminate the relevance and the results of this project to make it a widely available educational resource.
Target Group
BA & MA students
Secondary school students and teachers
Greater public, in particular Youth
Project Activities
Development of intellectual outputs (academic curriculum, training materials, teaching methodologies and online platforms)
Transnational teaching/training/learning activities: a summer university and a winter seminar
Transnational project meetings (online and offline)
Multiplication and dissemination events

Project Contact

This project has received funding from the European Union's ERASMUS+ program under grant agreement
This website reflects only the author's view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.