Topics & Professors
1. EU Power (strategic autonomy) in a Multipolar World
Anna Molnár
(Chief Professor)
Ludovika – University of Public Service
Anna Molnár is a Professor at the University of Public Service (Budapest) and Head of the Department of International Security Studies. She is the Head of International Public Management bachelor's program and the International Public Service Relations Master. She was the Head of Programme of MA in international studies at the University of Pannonia (Institute of Social Sciences and International Studies, Veszprém) between 2010 and 2013. She received her Ph.D. in international relations from the Corvinus University of Budapest (2003). Her published papers cover a wide range of topics focusing on security studies, EU CFSP/CSDP, Europeanization of Hungary, the European Union’s Mediterranean policy and on the Italian history and politics. She gives courses at Hungarian and foreign universities on EU CFSP/CSDP, European integration, international studies and Italian politics. She had a Bolyai Research Fellowship of the Hungarian Academy of Science (2007–2010). She is a core member of the Doctoral School of Military Science of Ludovika. Within the framework of European Security and Defence College she have been attending the ESDC EAB sessions since 2013, and from 2017 at the sessions of the European Doctoral School on CSDP and the Implementation Group. She has also actively participated in the establishment of the new International Doctoral School on CSDP.
Tamás Csiki Varga
Ludovika – University of Public Service
ATamás Csiki Varga, PhD is research fellow at the Institute for Strategic and Defense Studies of the National University of Public Service (Budapest, Hungary). He has been conducting security and defense policy analysis for ISDS, the background think tank of the Hungarian Ministry of Defense, since 2009. His research is focused on European security and defense, including the defense policy of individual European countries (e.g. Germany), Central European defense cooperation, as well as Hungarian security and defense policy