To achieve the aims of the EUSecure project, the partners will develop 5 intellectual outputs, 2 learning, teaching training activities and 6 multiplier events in leadership/co-leadership according to their expertise, in close collaboration with all other partners, to ensure high-quality standards and balanced participation:
O1 – Situation Analysis, Curriculum Mapping, Needs Assessment, Case studies and Best Practices
O2 – Design and Development of the EUSecure SimMOOC Course Curriculum outline and guidebook for study material development
O3 – Design and Elaboration of an Interdisciplinary Simulation Exercise Handbook
O4 – EUSecure Online Platform and Website will be Set Up
O5 – EUSecure Educational Material and Digital Content Development (OER) and delivery of the EUSecure SimMOOC
C1 – Pilot Testing of the SimMOOC in a Summer School
C2 – Beta Testing of the SimMOOC in a Winter Seminar
E1-E5 – EUSecure Info Days
E6 – Closing event - Final Conference - Multiplier event - Dissemination event (M33; UFP + ALL)